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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Teenage conceptions by WIMD quintiles

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

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YearFive year average[Filter]
MeasureTeenage conception rate per 1,000 girls aged 13 to 15 (inclusive) by deprivation quintile based on a 5 year average. <br /><br />Deprivation quintiles are calculated using the lower-layer super output areas (LSOAs) rankings from the combined income and employment domains of the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) only. Only these two domains are used as they best represent \'poverty\'. The Welsh Index of Multiple deprivation ranks the 1896 LSOAs of Wales by deprivation, where rank 1 is the most deprived, and 1896 the least. <br /><br />Figures for 1998-02, 2000-04 and 2002-06 are based on WIMD 2005 rankings; 2004-08 are based on WIMD 2008 rankings.<br />[Filter]
Click here to sort1998-02Click here to sort2000-04Click here to sort2002-06Click here to sort2004-08
Most deprived fifthMost deprived fifth: Contains all LSOAs that were ranked between 1 and 379 in WIMD (using income and employment domains only)15.2413.1012.1411.97
Second most deprived fifthSecond most deprived fifth: Contains all LSOAs that were ranked between 380 and 758 in WIMD (using income and employment domains only)11.209.9910.1310.06
Middle deprived fifthMiddle deprived fifth: Contains all LSOAs that were ranked between 759 and 1,138 in WIMD (using income and employment domains only)8.057.497.547.19
Second least deprived fifthSecond least deprived fifth: Contains all LSOAs that were ranked between 1,139 and 1,517 in WIMD (using income and employment domains only)5.444.995.225.69
Least deprived fifthLeast deprived fifth: Contains all LSOAs that were ranked between 1,518 and 1,896 in WIMD (using income and employment domains only)4.213.733.364.05
Ratio: Most deprived to Middle deprived fifthRatio between the most deprived fifth and the middle deprived fifth1.891.751.611.67



Teenage conceptions by WIMD deprivation quintile


social justice


teenage conceptions WIMD


Teenage conceptions by WIMD quintiles