Child poverty dental indicators by year
Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Child Poverty Dental Indicators
Social Justice Statistics, Welsh Assembly Government
These two dental indicators form part of WAG's child poverty targets.
Both indicators are measured by deprivation quintiles (fifths) based on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) Income and Employment domains. WIMD 2005 was used for all data prior to 2005 and WIMD 2008 was used for data post 2005. The Income and Employment domains were used as they most closely represent material deprivation.
The most deprived quintile refers to those who live in the lower super output areas (LSOAs) that are ranked amongst the most deprived fifth of the population (i.e. those ranked between 1-379). The middle deprived quintile refers to those who live in LSOAs ranked in the middle fifth of WIMD (i.e. those ranked between 759-1138).
The ratio between the most deprived to the middle deprived fifths will show how inequality between the groups is changing.
Previous figures that were reported on StatsWales were slightly different as they were based on the Townsend deprivation measure not WIMD. Since WIMD is WAG's official measure of multiple deprivation figures were re-calculated using WIMD.
Both indicators are measured by deprivation quintiles (fifths) based on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) Income and Employment domains. WIMD 2005 was used for all data prior to 2005 and WIMD 2008 was used for data post 2005. The Income and Employment domains were used as they most closely represent material deprivation.
The most deprived quintile refers to those who live in the lower super output areas (LSOAs) that are ranked amongst the most deprived fifth of the population (i.e. those ranked between 1-379). The middle deprived quintile refers to those who live in LSOAs ranked in the middle fifth of WIMD (i.e. those ranked between 759-1138).
The ratio between the most deprived to the middle deprived fifths will show how inequality between the groups is changing.
Previous figures that were reported on StatsWales were slightly different as they were based on the Townsend deprivation measure not WIMD. Since WIMD is WAG's official measure of multiple deprivation figures were re-calculated using WIMD.
social inclusion dental poverty