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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Police and prison officers and premises by police force and measure

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Measure 1
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
[Expand]Click here to sortNumber of Police StationsNumber of police stations as at January 2009.[Expand]Click here to sortNumber of Police OfficersPolice numbers contain full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Because of rounding, there may be an apparent discrepancy between totals and the sums of the constituent items.[Expand]Click here to sortPCSOPolice Community Support Officers (PCSOs) are police staff employed by a police authority in a highly visible, patrolling role. They complement the work of police officers by focusing mainly on lower level crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour.[Expand]Click here to sortSpecialsPolice numbers contain full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Because of rounding, there may be an apparent discrepancy between totals and the sums of the constituent items.[Expand]Click here to sortPolice StaffExcludes PCSOs, Traffic Wardens and Designated Officers.<br /><br />Police numbers show full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Therefore the totals and the sums of the constituent items may not match.[Expand]Click here to sortNumber of Prisons[Expand]Click here to sortNumber of Prison StaffPrison staff monthly average. Source: HM Prison Service Annual Report Appendix 5.
[Collapse]Wales Total..|The data item is not available7,3677057644,0394..|The data item is not available
Wales Total[Expand]Dyfed-Powys..|The data item is not available1,197821766330..|The data item is not available
[Expand]Gwent..|The data item is not available1,4381391928551..|The data item is not available
[Expand]North Wales..|The data item is not available1,5861591528230..|The data item is not available
[Expand]South Wales..|The data item is not available3,1463252441,7283..|The data item is not available



Police and prison officers and premises in Wales (Date, Rank, Police Force Area and Basic Command Unit)




Last Updated: August 2009
Added to StatsWales: March 2009
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: Home Office, Police Service Strength publication; Welsh police forces, Police station data; HM Prison Service, Annual Report



