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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Smoke alarms operating at building fires but not raising alarm, 1994-2008, by reason and year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
Building 1[Filter]
Reason 1
Click here to sort1994Click here to sort1995A small number of late call and heat and smoke damage only incidents were not recorded in 1995Click here to sort1996Click here to sort1997Click here to sort1998Click here to sort1999Click here to sort2000Click here to sort2001Click here to sort2002Excluding incidents not recorded during periods of industrial action in 2002 and 2003Click here to sort2003Excluding incidents not recorded during periods of industrial action in 2002 and 2003Click here to sort2004Click here to sort2005Click here to sort2006Click here to sort2007Click here to sort2008
[Collapse]TotalItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items.168164197223172229222275194238207242262260278
TotalItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items.Faulty system inc. incorrectly installed011600008004101
No person in earshot453650561059784266615343424928
Occupants failed to respond15107151815183612231021101111
Person raised alarm before system operated577012013012811810518693136135154186192225
Poor siting of detector meant person raised alarm13120125161385503750


CSaf0008: Smoke alarms operating at building fires but not raising alarm by reason (Year, Building Type, Fire and Rescue Service)

SJ&E, Welsh Assembly Government

Last Updated: June 2010
Added to StatsWales: 16th February 2006
Next Update: No longer updated.
Added to StatsWales: Spring 2011
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government
Note:Figures are partially based on sampled data, weighted to true brigade totals

