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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Accidental primary fires by cause and source of ignition
Area 1[Filter]
Area Code[Filter]
Economic Action Plan area code[Filter]
[Collapse]LocationLocation is the type of premises, property or countryside in which the fire started. This is not necessarily the type of premises in which most casualties or damage occurred as a result of the fire. [Filtered]
Location 1[Filter]
[Collapse]CauseCause of fire is the defect, act or omission leading to ignition of the fire. [Filtered]
Cause 1
[Collapse]SourceSource of Ignition is the source of the flame, spark or heat that started the fire. (Ascending)[Filter]
[Collapse]Source 1
[Collapse]Source 2
Source 3
[Collapse]All causes of accidental primary firesClick here to sortAll causes of accidental primary fires
Click here to sortFaulty fuel supplyClick here to sortFaulty leads or applianceFaults and defects within equipment/appliance only.<br />Includes lack of maintenance, worn out, wrongly adjusted/installed.Click here to sortMisuse of equipment or applianceClick here to sortChip pan/deep fat fryerIncludes where left unattended.Click here to sortPlaying with fireClick here to sortCareless handlingClick here to sortPlacing articles too close to heatClick here to sortOtherIncludes: \'Person too close to heat source\', \'vehicle crash or collision\', \'chimney fire\', \'bonfire going out of control\', \'other intentional burning, going out of control\', \'accumulation of flammable material\', \'natural occurrence\', \'overheating, unknown cause\' and \'other\'.
[Collapse]All sources of accidental primary fires4,2743,6954,4081,012921,4112,3537,31224,557
All sources of accidental primary fires[Expand]Smoking materials38350278401061441,163
[Expand]Matches and candles1254027115244152595
[Collapse]Cooking appliances992783,8631,004101548372556,500
Cooking appliances[Expand]Barbecue612100341919100
[Expand]Camping stove42234013340
[Expand]Cooker (including oven)621462,4495518896311324,068
[Expand]Deep fat fryer2152132301112375
[Expand]Microwave oven650386013728481
[Expand]Other cooking appliancee.g. commercial deep frying range, commercial appliances.2166121011011122
[Expand]Ring/hot plate (separate appliance)7538010201812821661
[Expand]Space heating appliances53132660138305166761
[Expand]Central and water heating appliances4110560021732203
[Expand]Blowlamps, welding and cutting equipment5176800411885297
[Expand]Electrical distribution1,83568752208254303,039
[Expand]Other electrical appliances3751,3439101141094172,350
[Collapse]Other sources1,6989721555202105313,2626,853
Other sources[Expand]Bombs and explosives00000011011
[Expand]Chimney fires10100111130144
[Expand]Heating equipment - Food warming (not cooking)123000028
[Expand]Industrial equipment261353010252240486
[Expand]Oil/Incense burners004009171141
[Expand]Naked flame61200124781192359
[Expand]Natural occurrence1100001230233
[Expand]Domestic style gardening appliance46400161132
[Expand]Spread from secondary fire2270267131379590
[Expand]Vehicles only1,44564910002931,4393,638
[Expand]Wet hay00000115052
[Expand]OtherIncludes electrical appliances where the power source has been recorded as non-electrical.8914041312962324689


General description

The table shows accidental primary fires attended by the Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales, by source of ignition, cause and location type.
Data in this table are for primary fires only as cause and source of ignition are not collected for secondary and chimney fires.
Added to StatsWales: May 2013
Data are taken from the Incident Recording System.
2009-10 data were extracted in May 2011.
2010-11 data were extracted in May 2012.
2011-12 data were extracted in May 2013.
2012-13 data were extracted in May 2014.
2013-14 data were extracted in June 2015.
2014-15 data were extracted in July 2016.
2015-16 data were extracted in July 2017.
2016-17 data were extracted from IRS in July 2018.
2017-18 data were extracted from IRS in July 2019.
2018-19 data were extracted from IRS in September 2020
2019-20 data were extracted from IRS in August 2021.
2020-21 data were extracted from IRS in August 2022.
2021-22 and 2022-23 data were extracted from IRS in August 2023.
2022-23 data are currently provisional and will be updated September 2024.

Source: The Home Office

Data collection and calculation

Data were collected via the Incident Recording System (IRS).

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Financial years 2009-10 to 2022-23

Users, uses and context

The data are used to inform policy decisions and to provide contextual information. The data is used by the Welsh Government to help monitor trends in incidents attended by FRAs over time and provides information on FRAs’ performance and activities to citizens and communities in Wales.
See web link for further information.

Rounding applied


Revisions information

Revisions are marked with an (r). The most recent year shown is currently provisional and may be revised when the table is next updated.


Accidental primary fires by cause and source of ignition

Last update

October 2023 October 2023

Next update

September 2024

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Fire incident recording system, Home Office

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Fire and rescue authorities

Geographical coverage

Fire and rescue authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

See weblinks


Fire, Fire and Rescue Authorities, Accidental, Cause, Ignition, Smoking, Matches, Candles, Chip pan, dwellings