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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accidental fires in dwellings by month and financial year
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Month 1
Click here to sort2009-10Since April 2009, data have been collected via the Incident Recording System (IRS). This has replaced the previous FDR paper forms and may cause an increase in the reporting of some categories of fire from 2009-10 onwards.Click here to sort2010-11Click here to sort2011-12Click here to sort2012-13Click here to sort2013-14Click here to sort2014-15Click here to sort2015-16Click here to sort2016-17Click here to sort2017-18Click here to sort2018-19Click here to sort2019-20Click here to sort2020-21Click here to sort2021-22Click here to sort2022-23Revised data.Click here to sort2023-24Provisional data.
[Collapse]Annual totalTotals are not recaculated if any months are deselected.1,8641,8261,7891,7251,7321,6351,6091,7191,4851,4301,4981,3751,4671,3791,376
Annual totalTotals are not recaculated if any months are deselected.April153150160138163103123129125139149130139136127


General description

Since 2009-10 data have been extracted from the Incident Recording System (IRS). This is a live system and consequently it is possible that data extracted at a different time may not match the figures in this table. For instance the data published in the Performance Indicator tables are extracted at a different time and so may not match exactly those presented here.
Fire data for 2001-02 to 2008-09 are taken from the FDR1 and FDR3 paper forms.
All data from 2009-10 onwards are extracted from the Incident Recording System (IRS).
2009-10 data were extracted from IRS in May 2011.
2010-11 data were extracted from IRS in May 2012.
2011-12 data were extracted from IRS in May 2013.
2012-13 data were extracted from IRS in May 2014.
2013-14 data were extracted from IRS in June 2015.
2014-15 data were extracted from IRS in July 2016.
2015-16 data were extracted from IRS in July 2017.
2016-17 data were extracted from IRS in July 2018.
2017-18 data were extracted from IRS in July 2019.
2018-19 data were extracted from IRS in September 2020
2019-20 data were extracted from IRS in August 2021.
2020-21 data were extracted from IRS in August 2022.
2021-22 data were extracted from IRS in August 2023.
2022-23 and 2023-24 data were extracted from IRS in August 2024.
2023-24 data are currently provisional and will be updated September 2025.

Source: The Home Office

Data collection and calculation

Data were collected via the Incident Recording System (IRS).

Frequency of publication

Twice yearly

Data reference periods

Financial Years 2001-02 to 2023-24

Users, uses and context

The data are used to inform policy decisions and to provide contextual information. The data is used by the Welsh Government to help monitor trends in incidents attended by FRAs over time and provides information on FRAs’ performance and activities to citizens and communities in Wales.
See web link for further information.

Rounding applied

Fire data prior to 2009-10 are based on a sampled dataset and so are rounded to the nearest whole number. For this reason the sum of component parts may not equal the totals shown.

Revisions information

Revisions are marked with an (r). The most recent year shown is currently provisional and may be revised when the table is next updated.


Fires by month, motive, location and financial year

Last update

November 2024 November 2024

Next update

March 2025

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Fire incident recording system, Home Office

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Fire and rescue authorities

Geographical coverage

Fire and rescue authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


Fires, Accidental, Deliberate, Fire and Rescue Authorities, month, dwellings

Statistical quality

Since 2009-10 data have been extracted from the Incident Recording System (IRS). This is a live system and consequently it is possible that data extracted at a different time may not match the figures in this table. For instance the data published in the Performance Indicator tables are extracted at a different time and so may not match exactly those presented here.