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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Fires in schools, 1994-2008, by motive, time and room

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Area 1[Filter]
Cause 1[Filter]
Motive 1
Schroom 1
Time 1
[Collapse]Total FiresItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsClick here to sortTotal FiresItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items
Click here to sortAccidental FiresClick here to sortDeliberate Fires
[Collapse]All schoolroom areasItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items271542
All schoolroom areasItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsClassroom or Lecture room[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items808
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours404
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August404
Kitchen[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items101
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August101
Corridor or stairs[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items404
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August404
Main hall, auditorium or Sports Hall[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Cloakroom or lavatory[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items055
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August055
Staffroom[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Canteen or dining room[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Changing rooms[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Reception area[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items055
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August055
Store room or area[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Office[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Boiler or laundry room[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items000
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours000
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August000
Roof space[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items808
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours404
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August404
Other or unspecified room[Collapse]All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the items549
All times of dayItems and totals have been rounded separately to the nearest final digit so the total shown may differ slightly from the sum of the itemsOutside school hours505
School hours (08:30-15:59)Excluding weekends and the month of August044



CSAF0011: Fires in schools by motive and time (Year, Brigade, Motive, Cause, Room)


SJ&E, Welsh Assembly Government


Last Updated: June 2010
Added to StatsWales:April 2008
Next Update: No longer updated.
Added to StatsWales:Spring 2011
Source: Department for Communities and Local Government
Note:Figures are partially based on sampled data, weighted to true brigade totals

