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Data Provider: Welsh Government CHART: Sexual offences by year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

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Click here to sort1998-99In April 1998 the Home Office Counting Rules for Recorded Crime were expanded to include certain additional summary offences and counts became more victim-based (the number of victims was counted rather than the number of offences).<br /><br />Fraud and forgery note: The new counting rules allow the recording of unreported cheque and credit card fraud offences that are discovered by the police in subsequent investigation. In some forces across England and Wales, the change in counting rules coincided with a review of recording practices for cheque and credit card fraud offences. These reviews have resulted in more reported offences being recorded, thus causing increases in recorded offences that are not directly attributable to the new rules.Click here to sort2004-05Click here to sort2005-06Click here to sort2006-07Click here to sort2007-08Click here to sort2008-09
[Collapse]Total recorded crime261,994267,624258,013258,473243,623236,615
Total recorded crime[Expand]Sexual offencesSexual offences cover different types of unlawful sexual activity, including rape and sexual assault. Some of the offences do not necessarily involve violence: for example, unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 16 or with a mental disorder. The range of seriousness is addressed by creating two sub-categories: ‘Most serious sexual crime’ (including rapes, sexual assaults, and sexual activity with children) and ‘Other sexual offences’ (including soliciting, exploitation of prostitution, and other unlawful sexual activity between consenting adults).1,8182,6232,6972,4482,5742,455
[Expand]Offences against vehiclesOffences against vehicles includes offences of aggravated vehicle taking, theft of a motor vehicle, theft from a vehicle and interfering with a motor vehicle (formerly termed interference and tampering).<br /><br />A ‘motor vehicle’ is defined as any mechanically propelled vehicle made, intended or adapted for use on roads...|The data item is not available44,68742,81841,42934,89132,298


Police Recorded Crime in Wales, 1980-2009 (Year, Offence, Police force area)


For the years 1998-99 to 2008-09, the counting year runs from April to March. For 1997 and previous, calendar years are used.

The coverage was extended and counting rules revised from 1998-99. Figures from that date are not directly comparable with those for previous years.

The National Crime Recording Standard was introduced in April 2002. Figures before and after that date are not directly comparable.

Racially aggravated offences were included from 1 April 1999 and religiously aggravated offences were added to the series from 1 April 2002.

Last Updated: July 2009
Added to StatsWales: March 2009
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: Home Office



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