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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics CHART: Crime in Wales by year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Chart corresponding to the data table
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[Expand]All personal crime per 10,000 adultsPersonal crimes refer to the following offence categories: wounding, assault with minor injury, assault with no injury, sexual offences, robbery, theft from the person, and other personal theft. The BCS does not cover personal crimes against those aged under 16 or not living in private households. In the data presented here, \'all personal crime\' excludes sexual offences; the number of sexual offences picked up by the survey is too small to give reliable estimates and these figures are not provided.879743852709557
[Expand]All household crime per 10,000 householdsFor household offences reported in the BCS, all members of the household can be regarded as victims. Therefore, the respondent answers on behalf of the whole household in the offence categories of: bicycle theft; burglary; theft in a dwelling; other household theft; thefts of and from vehicles; and vandalism to household property and vehicles.2,6082,7132,9552,4182,203
[Expand]Drug use reported by adultsPercentage of 16 to 59 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.
[Expand]Drug use reported by younger adultsPercentage of 16 to 24 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.30.127.624.720.321.9



British Crime Survey (BCS) Victimisation, Perceptions and Drug Misuse in Wales (Year, Offence, Police force area)




Last Updated: July 2009
Added to StatsWales: March 2009
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: Home Office, British Crime Survey from Crime in England and Wales and Drug Misuse Declared publications


