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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics CHART: Class A drugs misuse in Wales by year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Chart corresponding to the data table
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[Collapse]Drug use reported by adultsPercentage of 16 to 59 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.[Expand]Class A drug use reported by adultsPercentage of 16 to 59 year olds reporting use of Class A drugs in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies Class A and Class A/B drugs as follows:.<br /><br />Class A:<br />Cocaine powder<br />Crack cocaine<br />Ecstasy<br />LSD<br />Magic Mushrooms<br />Heroin<br />Methadone<br /><br />Class A/B:<br />Amphetamines<br /><br />Amphetamines can be classified as either Class A (when prepared for injection) or Class B (in powdered form). For the purposes of calculating Class A drug use in this report, amphetamine use has not been included since questions do not distinguish between the form of the drug taken.<br /><br />Following the Drugs Act 2005 raw magic mushrooms were classified as a Class A drug on 18th July 2005. Prior to this change in the law, only prepared (such as dried or stewed) magic mushrooms were classified as Class A drugs. However, the BCS does not distinguish between the different preparations of this drug, so the trend in magic mush2.
[Collapse]Drug use reported by younger adultsPercentage of 16 to 24 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful.[Expand]Class A drug use reported by younger adultsPercentage of 16 to 24 year olds reporting use of Class A drugs in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies Class A and Class A/B drugs as follows.<br /><br />Class A:<br />Cocaine powder<br />Crack cocaine<br />Ecstasy<br />LSD<br />Magic Mushrooms<br />Heroin<br />Methadone<br /><br />Class A/B:<br />Amphetamines<br /><br />Amphetamines can be classified as either Class A (when prepared for injection) or Class B (in powdered form). For the purposes of calculating Class A drug use in this report, amphetamine use has not been included since questions do not distinguish between the form of the drug taken.<br /><br />Following the Drugs Act 2005 raw magic mushrooms were classified as a Class A drug on 18th July 2005. Prior to this change in the law, only prepared (such as dried or stewed) magic mushrooms were classified as Class A drugs. However, the BCS does not distinguish between the different preparations of this drug, so the trend in mag..|The data item is not available8.


British Crime Survey (BCS) Victimisation, Perceptions and Drug Misuse in Wales (Year, Offence, Police force area)


Last Updated: July 2009
Added to StatsWales: March 2009
Next Update: No longer updated.
Source: Home Office, British Crime Survey from Crime in England and Wales and Drug Misuse Declared publications

