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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics CHART: Burglary in Wales by year

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Chart corresponding to the data table
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[Collapse]Measure 1
Measure 2
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[Collapse]All household crime per 10,000 householdsFor household offences reported in the BCS, all members of the household can be regarded as victims. Therefore, the respondent answers on behalf of the whole household in the offence categories of: bicycle theft; burglary; theft in a dwelling; other household theft; thefts of and from vehicles; and vandalism to household property and vehicles...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available2,6082,7132,9552,4182,203
All household crime per 10,000 householdsFor household offences reported in the BCS, all members of the household can be regarded as victims. Therefore, the respondent answers on behalf of the whole household in the offence categories of: bicycle theft; burglary; theft in a dwelling; other household theft; thefts of and from vehicles; and vandalism to household property and vehicles.[Collapse]Burglary per 10,000 householdsThe BCS covers domestic burglary only, which is an unauthorised entry into the victim’s dwelling. Burglary does not necessarily involve forced entry; it may be through an open window, or by entering the property under false pretences (e.g. impersonating an official). Burglary does not cover theft by a person who is entitled to be in the dwelling at the time of the offence. The dwelling is a house, flat or any connected outhouse or garage. Common areas (e.g. hallways) are not included.<br /><br />The measure for burglary is broken down into burglary with entry and attempted burglary.235258213239261293281218
Burglary per 10,000 householdsThe BCS covers domestic burglary only, which is an unauthorised entry into the victim’s dwelling. Burglary does not necessarily involve forced entry; it may be through an open window, or by entering the property under false pretences (e.g. impersonating an official). Burglary does not cover theft by a person who is entitled to be in the dwelling at the time of the offence. The dwelling is a house, flat or any connected outhouse or garage. Common areas (e.g. hallways) are not included.<br /><br />The measure for burglary is broken down into burglary with entry and attempted burglary.Burglary with entry per 10,000 householdsComprises burglary where a building was successfully entered, regardless of whether something was stolen or not.159165117157171200154..|The data item is not available
Attempted burglary per 10,000 householdsAn attempted burglary is recorded in the BCS if there is clear evidence that the offender made an actual, physical attempt to gain entry to a building (e.g. damage to locks, or broken doors) but was unsuccessful.769396829093127..|The data item is not available
[Expand]Vehicle-related theft per 10,000 householdsThis covers three categories: (i) theft or unauthorised taking of a vehicle (where the vehicle is driven away illegally, whether or not it is recovered); (ii) theft from motor vehicles (i.e. theft of parts, accessories and contents); and (iii) attempts. The BCS covers vehicle-related theft against private households only and includes cars, vans, motorbikes, motor-scooters or mopeds used for non-commercial purposes.1,186845726713711715497568
[Expand]Drug use reported by adultsPercentage of 16 to 59 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available11.811.
[Expand]Drug use reported by younger adultsPercentage of 16 to 24 year olds reporting use of any drug in the last year.<br /><br />The Misuse of Drugs Act classifies illegal drugs into three categories (Class A, B and C) according to the harm that they cause, with Class A drugs considered to be the most harmful...|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available30.127.624.720.321.9


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