Primary outcomes by area, Vision Framework Heading and progress
Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Comf0006: Outcomes by vision framework heading priority and progress, 2009-10 onwards
Welsh Assembly Government
Last Update: February 2012
Was added to StatsWales: February 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: February 2013 (provisional)
Source: Communities First Areas Annual Monitoring Reports submitted to the Welsh Assembly Government
This dataset shows the number of outcomes that Communities First Partnerships are working towards according to the Vision Framework Headings that they address. This data is broken down by the level of progress that has been made towards outcomes that address each of the Vision Framework Headings, whether the outcome is agreed or emerging, and whether the Vision Framework Headings are primary or secondary priorities.
Note that there was a revision to the Communities First Vision Framework between the 2008/09 and 2009/10 reporting periods as part of the development of the programme to its current (2009-2012) phase. The headings of 'active community' and 'young people' were removed from the vision framework from 2009/10.
Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government's flagship programme to improve the living conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.
For further information about the Communities First Programme please see the Welsh Assembly Government: <a href= target=_blank>here.</a>
As part of the ongoing monitoring of the Communities First Programme, Communities First Partnerships are required to submit Annual Monitoring Reports to the Welsh Assembly Government. The tables within this section display the data that was returned in the Annual Monitoring Reports from Communities First Partnerships for the financial years 2009/10 and 2010/11. It should be noted that the data displayed is for Communities First Partnerships only and does not contain data for central teams and support activities across Communities First areas, which are dealt with separately.
There is information about the data (metadata) linked to each table, which provides further detail, for example the source of the data and a brief abstract of the data provided.
Was added to StatsWales: February 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: February 2013 (provisional)
Source: Communities First Areas Annual Monitoring Reports submitted to the Welsh Assembly Government
This dataset shows the number of outcomes that Communities First Partnerships are working towards according to the Vision Framework Headings that they address. This data is broken down by the level of progress that has been made towards outcomes that address each of the Vision Framework Headings, whether the outcome is agreed or emerging, and whether the Vision Framework Headings are primary or secondary priorities.
Note that there was a revision to the Communities First Vision Framework between the 2008/09 and 2009/10 reporting periods as part of the development of the programme to its current (2009-2012) phase. The headings of 'active community' and 'young people' were removed from the vision framework from 2009/10.
Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government's flagship programme to improve the living conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.
For further information about the Communities First Programme please see the Welsh Assembly Government: <a href= target=_blank>here.</a>
As part of the ongoing monitoring of the Communities First Programme, Communities First Partnerships are required to submit Annual Monitoring Reports to the Welsh Assembly Government. The tables within this section display the data that was returned in the Annual Monitoring Reports from Communities First Partnerships for the financial years 2009/10 and 2010/11. It should be noted that the data displayed is for Communities First Partnerships only and does not contain data for central teams and support activities across Communities First areas, which are dealt with separately.
There is information about the data (metadata) linked to each table, which provides further detail, for example the source of the data and a brief abstract of the data provided.
Communities First