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Data Provider: Welsh Government Management Information Additional funding secured by source and involvement of partnership in securing funding

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

[Collapse]CF AreaCommunities First Area[Filter]
[Collapse]CF Area 1[Filter]
CF Area 2[Filter]
[Collapse]InvolvementPartnerships are asked to record their involvement in securing additional funding for their area.  The options that they are asked to chose from are: The Partnership was informed of the application but was not actively involved in developing the application; An Organisation represented on the Partnership made the application and actively involved the Partnership; The Partnership members and/or staff was heavily involved in leading on the application; Other (explanation must be provided)[Filter]
Involvement 1
[Collapse]Funding sourcePartnerships are asked to record the source of additional funding that has been secured for work in their area.  The most common sources of funding are provided in a drop down menu and \'other\' is selected for sources of funding not contained in the list.[Filter]
Funding source 1
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortThe Partnership was informed of the application but was not actively involved in developing the applicationClick here to sortA member of the Partnership submitted the bid having actively engaged with the PartnershipClick here to sortAn Organisation represented on the Partnership made the application and actively involved the PartnershipClick here to sortThe Partnership members and/or staff was heavily involved in leading on the applicationClick here to sortOther
TotalOther174,004.The data item is not applicable282,0641,693,160645,3412,794,569
Local authority (direct support)500,52732,000942,708886,096352,9962,714,327
Police4,630.The data item is not applicable2,00027,708.The data item is not applicable34,338
Fire Service7,072.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable30,000.The data item is not applicable37,072
LHB/NHS Trust6,097.The data item is not applicable8,02619,01134833,483
County Voluntary Council25,815.The data item is not applicable60,763154,962814242,354
Local business8,770.The data item is not applicable174,51093,791400277,471
National Lottery253,369.The data item is not applicable365,4092,042,02729,5002,690,305
EU funding139,110.The data item is not applicable836,8881,033,5813,032,9765,042,555
Public fund raising70,000.The data item is not applicable27431,6896,128108,091
UK Government Funding612,500.The data item is not applicable42,075246,712.The data item is not applicable901,287
Other Charitable sources223,103410,000251,029573,32951,9501,509,411
Other WAG grants or funding streams1,154,456.The data item is not applicable1,122,5684,398,359103,4686,778,851



COMF0003: Amount of funding secured against the funding source and Partnership involvement (£) 2008-09


Welsh Assembly Government


Last Update: 13 Jan 2011
Was added to StatsWales: 13 Jan 2011

Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales: Feb 2011 (provisional)

Source: Communities First Areas Annual Monitoring Reports submitted to Welsh Assembly Government


This dataset shows the number of outcomes that partnerships are working towards according to the Primary Vision Framework Headings that they address. This data is broken down by the level of progress that has been made towards outcomes that address each of the Vision Framework Headings.

Communities First is the Welsh Assembly Government's flagship programme to improve the living conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.

For further information about the Communities First Programme please see the Welsh Assembly Government: <a href= target=_blank>here.</a>

As part of the ongoing monitoring of the Communities First Programme, Communities First Partnerships are required to submit Annual Monitoring Reports to the Welsh Assembly Government. The tables within this section display the data that was returned in the Annual Monitoring Reports from Communities First Partnerships for the financial year 2008/09. It should be noted that the data displayed is for Communities First Partnerships only and does not contain data for central teams and support activities across Communities First areas, which are dealt with separately.

There is information about the data (metadata) linked to each table, which provides further detail, for example the source of the data and a brief abstract of the data provided.


Communties First

