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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Usual resident population in Wales by detailed country of passports held and area
Area code[Filter]
[Collapse]Area 1
Area 2
[Collapse]Passport Country[Filter]
[Collapse]Passport Country 1
[Collapse]Passport Country 2
Passport Country 3
[Collapse]WalesClick here to sortWales
[Expand]Click here to sortNorth Wales[Expand]Click here to sortMid and South West Wales[Expand]Click here to sortSouth East Wales
Total[Expand]United Kingdom521,302681,0461,197,4112,399,759
[Expand]British Overseas Territories11911
[Collapse]Europe (excluding UK and Ireland)18,24819,10938,85376,215
Europe (excluding UK and Ireland)[Collapse]EU Member countries17,76318,32737,15573,249
EU Member countriesFrance3725001,2402,113
Other EU member countries4,0614,33611,11119,508
[Collapse]Rest of Europe4857821,6982,966
Rest of EuropeTurkey2262847001,211
Other Europe2594989981,755
Africa[Expand]North Africa1774161,4692,062
[Collapse]Central and Western Africa4117212,1363,266
Central and Western AfricaGhana3274243348
Other Central and Western Africa51105331488
[Collapse]South and Eastern Africa4157831,6312,820
South and Eastern AfricaKenya3758140231
South Africa2023145971,110
Other South and Eastern Africa76220458754
[Collapse]Middle East and Asia2,9965,39315,52323,890
Middle East and Asia[Collapse]Middle East3086182,3853,306
Middle EastIran2999254381
Other Middle East2224121,8242,454
[Collapse]Eastern Asia6711,2303,1095,004
Eastern AsiaChina5008712,3153,682
Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)80153370602
Other Eastern Asia2781173284
[Collapse]Southern Asia1,3002,4997,92511,718
Southern AsiaAfghanistan518145166
Sri Lanka209269455931
Other Southern Asia12407401820
[Collapse]South-East Asia7061,0022,0673,770
South-East AsiaMalaysia1582296991,086
Other South-East Asia2383846531,271
[Expand]Central Asia11443792
[Collapse]The Americas and the Caribbean8881,4632,6465,002
The Americas and the Caribbean[Collapse]North America6611,0341,7043,401
North AmericaCanada170238445853
United States4917961,2592,548
[Expand]Central America4161141246
[Expand]South America144224608976
[Collapse]The Caribbean42144193379
The CaribbeanJamaica138182176
Other Caribbean2963111203
[Collapse]Antarctica and Oceania2964966901,483
Antarctica and Oceania[Expand]Australia187313424926
[Expand]New Zealand102168223492
[Expand]Other Antarctica and Oceania7154365
[Expand]No passport held139,802184,425258,951583,177


General description

On 2 November 2022, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published 'Demography and migration: Census 2021 in England and Wales', which helped form the Welsh Government's publication 'Demography and migration in Wales (Census 2021)'. This was an update to initial population and household estimates, and included an overview of the non-UK born population as well as characteristics of households and residents in Wales.

This table is based on Census table TS013, 'Passports held (detailed)', which provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Wales and England by passports held.

For Census 2021, the ONS made changes to the data (called statistical disclosure control) so that it is not possible to identify individuals. These changes included:
• Swapped records (targeted record swapping), for example, if a household was likely to be identified in datasets because it has unusual characteristics, they swapped the record with a similar one from a nearby small area. Very unusual households could be swapped with one in a nearby local authority.
• Added small changes to some counts (cell key perturbation), for example, change a count of four to a three or a five. This might make small differences between tables depending on how the data are broken down when perturbation is applied.

This causes small changes to cells but does not fundamentally impact the meaning of the data. Where tables are made in different ways, the changes applied will be different, leading to differences between totals and tables not ‘adding-up’ to their totals. To minimise this, the ONS recommends where possible using totals from tables with fewer cells, at higher geographies. For example, if you wanted population by age you should use data from TS007 and if you wanted population by sex you should use data from TS008.

More information about the processes used in statistical disclosure control will be provided in future publications.

A usual resident of Wales is anyone who was living or staying in Wales for 12 months or longer on Census Day, 21 March 2021, or who had a permanent address in Wales and was staying outside Wales for less than 12 months.

Data collection and calculation

See weblinks

Frequency of publication

No longer updated

Data reference periods

21 March 2021

Users, uses and context

The data presented here are used by central government departments and local authorities for a range of purposes including for resource allocation, planning and monitoring of services, and as denominators for the calculation of various rates and indicators.

Rounding applied

To note the sums of local authorities may not add up the Wales figures due to the statistical disclosure methods applied to the data as described in the general description. Figures across different tables may also not match exactly due to statistical disclosure control methods applied to the data.


Usual resident population in Wales by country of passports held and area

Last update

November 2023 November 2023

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

2021 Census, Office for National statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Geographical coverage

Local authorities

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


2021 Census; Passports held; Country; Population

Statistical quality

Further information on the statistical disclosure controls (including perturbation) that have been applied to the data can be found here:

