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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Usual resident population by five year age band and gender

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

Age 1
Click here to sortPersonsClick here to sortMalesClick here to sortFemales
[Expand]All Ages3,063,4561,504,2281,559,228
[Expand]Age 0-4178,30191,57386,728
[Expand]Age 5-9163,07983,64379,436
[Expand]Age 10-14177,74891,18086,568
[Expand]Age 15-19199,120101,39197,729
[Expand]Age 20-24211,924108,765103,159
[Expand]Age 25-29185,72893,76291,966
[Expand]Age 30-34174,69487,55387,141
[Expand]Age 35-39183,04590,33892,707
[Expand]Age 40-44213,155104,491108,664
[Expand]Age 45-49220,711108,528112,183
[Expand]Age 50-54201,59998,961102,638
[Expand]Age 55-59186,92391,85495,069
[Expand]Age 60-64204,885100,867104,018
[Expand]Age 65-69166,00781,11684,891
[Expand]Age 70-74134,54364,50470,039
[Expand]Age 75-79108,20248,99459,208
[Expand]Age 80-8479,23232,88846,344
[Expand]Age 85-8949,36017,42331,937
[Expand]Age 90-9419,7335,34714,386
[Expand]Age 95-994,8579493,908
[Expand]Age 100 and over610101509


2011 Census: Usual resident population by single year of age and sex, Wales

Knowledge and Analytical Services, Welsh Government

Last update: 25 September 2012

Source: Census 2011, Office for National Statistics.

Results of the 2011 Census were published on 16th July 2012 by the Office of National Statistics. Unrounded data were released on 24 September 2012.

For the 2011 Census, a usual resident of the UK is anyone who, on census day 2011, was in the UK and had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the UK for less than 12 months. For more information see
The age of a person is derived from their date of birth. It is their age in years on their last birthday up to and including census day 2011. Dates of birth that imply an age over 115 are treated as invalid and the person’s age is imputed.
These are the first results to be published from the 2011 Census.
Further results are due to be published in November 2012.


