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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Household Reference Persons (HRP) by local authority, tenure and economic activity

Archived (English only) – No longer updated.

[Collapse]Age GroupPensionable age at the time of the Census (29 April 2001) was 65 for men and 60 for women.[Filter]
Age Group 1[Filter]
[Collapse]type 1
type 2
GeographyCode 1
[Collapse]tenureThe terms used to describe tenure are defined as follows: Owned: either owned outright; owned with a mortgage or loan; or paying rent and part mortgage (shared ownership). Other social rented includes rented from Registered Social Landlord; Housing association; Housing Co-operative and Charitable Trust. Rented from the Council\' refers to Rented from Council (local authority)/Scottish Homes in Scotland and Northern Ireland Housing Executive in Northern Ireland. Private rented: renting from a private landlord or letting agency; employer of a household member; or relative or friend of a household member or other person[Filter]
tenure 1
[Expand]Click here to sortAll inactive and active
[Expand]Isle of Anglesey24,742
[Expand]Neath Port Talbot49,828
[Expand]The Vale of Glamorgan42,884
[Expand]Rhondda, Cynon, Taff82,844
[Expand]Merthyr Tydfil20,319
[Expand]Blaenau Gwent25,734



Popu4013: Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) and Tenure by Economic Activity of HRP, 2001 Census


Knowledge and Analytical Services, Welsh Government


Added to StatsWales: February 2005.

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)

This table lists the population by the following:

Tenurer: Owned, rented from council, other social rented & private rented or living rent free,

Age-group: HRP 16-24, HRP 25-34, HRP 35-44, HRP 45-54, HRP 55-pensionable age, pensionable age-74,

Type: Economically active & inactive,

Area: Local authorites & wards.

The data can be found by using the interactive drill down method.


(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data.

(b) All Census tables are independently adjusted; this means that counts of the same population in two different tables may not necessarily be the same.

(c) Wards below the Standard Table thresholds (1,000 people and 400 households) were amalgamated with another ward within the same Local Authority for the release of Standard Tables. A full list of these wards can be found at,




