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Data Provider: Welsh Government European Union harmonised unemployment rates (15+) by gender, area and year
Gender 1[Filter]
[Collapse]AreaThe areas covered are the EU pre- and post-enlargement, the UK, Wales and the Welsh NUTS (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics, the EU hierarchical geographic breakdown) 2 areas. NUTS1 for Wales is all of Wales whilst NUTS4 represents local authorities, with NUTS2 and NUTS3 representing sub-areas of Wales as successive hierarchical aggregations of local authorities. The NUTS2 aggregation used in this dataset splits Wales into 2 areas, namely West Wales and the Valleys (the area of Wales with EU Objective 1 status) and East Wales. [Filter]
Area 1
YearThe data are annual averages for each year. [Filter]
[Expand]Click here to sortEuropean Union (27 countries, from 2020)[Expand]Click here to sortEuropean Union (28 countries, 2013-2020)[Expand]Click here to sortEuropean Union (15 countries, pre 1 May 2004)[Expand]Click here to sortUnited Kingdom[Collapse]WalesClick here to sortWales
Click here to sortWest Wales and the ValleysClick here to sortEast Wales
1999..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available9.4(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
2000..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available8. The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.6.1
2001..|The data item is not available..|The data item is not available7.
20029.69.0(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20039.79.1(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20049.9(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20059. The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20068.7(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.8.27.8(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20087.3(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20099.29.09.1(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value. The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.8.0
20109. The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.8.6
20119.99.7(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.9.6(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.8.0(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
201311.410.911. The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.7.6
20169.1(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.8.5(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.9.04.8(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.4.93.6(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.4.4
20178.17.68.2(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.4.3(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.
20187.3(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.6.8(r) The data item has been revised since previously published in StatsWales. The revision may not be reflected in the rounded value.


General description

These data provide annual unemployment rates based on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition of unemployment. The rates are expressed as a percentage of the economically active population.

Data collection and calculation

The data are now annual averages for each year. However, Eurostat changed the methodology for calculating these figures so that previous dataset, which provided data for Wales, UK and EU15 and related to April of each year from 1991 to 2001 as a percentage of the workforce, are not comparable to these data.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

1999 to 2019


European Union harmonised ILO unemployment rates

Last update

August 2020 August 2020

Next update


Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1


Contact email



Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

EU NUTS2 regions

Geographical coverage

United Kingdom

Languages covered

English only

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

Statistical quality

There are two standard measures of unemployment used in official UK statistics the UK, namely the claimant count and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) unemployment measure. The measures are different and are each subject to advantages and disadvantages.
The former is a count of all persons claiming unemployment-related benefits. As such it is not subject to sampling variability and can therefore be disaggregated to very high levels of detail. However, it excludes those who are unemployed who are not eligible to claim (for example those out of work but whose partner works), and those who do not wish to claim.
The ILO measure, which is a count of those who are out of work and want a job, have actively sought work in the last 4 weeks and are available to start work in the next two weeks; plus those who are out of work, have found a job and are waiting to start in the next 2 weeks, is a more encompassing measure of unemployment, which is used around the world. However, as the data come from a survey, the results are sample-based estimates and therefore subject to differing degrees of sampling variability, i.e. the true value for any measure lies in a differing range about the estimated value. This range or sampling variability increases as the detail in the data increases, for example local authority data are subject to higher variability than regional data.


EU Unemployment

