Archived (English only) – No longer updated.
Econ0055: Labour disputes in Wales
ELMS, Welsh Government
Last update: 20 Jun 2012
Was added to StatsWales: 20 Jun 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales by: Jun 2013
Source: Office for National Statistics
Contact: economic.stats@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The Office for National Statistics compiles labour disputes statistics by deriving data from a number of sources: the employer or trade union involved, regular centralised returns from certain major industries and public bodies; and articles in a selection of national and regional newspapers.
Information collected from press cuttings is confirmed with the employer for accuracy. However, if a strike is identified through, for example, press cuttings, but the employer does not want to divulge information, an estimate of days lost and number of workers involved will be made based on the figures given in the press cuttings.
Labour disputes data are collected when a dispute occurs.
Data are made available by industry and cause. They exclude disputes which do not result in a stoppage of work, stoppages involving fewer than ten workers or lasting less than one day unless the total number of working days lost in the dispute is 100 or more. Data are available relating to the number of disputes, the number of workers involved and the number of working days lost.
The data are based on as full coverage as possible given the definitions above, and so are not based on a sample survey. However, errors may arise due to incomplete coverage, in which case the estimated number of stoppages will be affected more than the estimate of the number of working days lost.
Figures for the number of working days lost and the numbers of workers involved are rounded to the nearest 1000 and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.
Was added to StatsWales: 20 Jun 2012
Next Update: No longer updated.
Will be added to StatsWales by: Jun 2013
Source: Office for National Statistics
Contact: economic.stats@wales.gsi.gov.uk
The Office for National Statistics compiles labour disputes statistics by deriving data from a number of sources: the employer or trade union involved, regular centralised returns from certain major industries and public bodies; and articles in a selection of national and regional newspapers.
Information collected from press cuttings is confirmed with the employer for accuracy. However, if a strike is identified through, for example, press cuttings, but the employer does not want to divulge information, an estimate of days lost and number of workers involved will be made based on the figures given in the press cuttings.
Labour disputes data are collected when a dispute occurs.
Data are made available by industry and cause. They exclude disputes which do not result in a stoppage of work, stoppages involving fewer than ten workers or lasting less than one day unless the total number of working days lost in the dispute is 100 or more. Data are available relating to the number of disputes, the number of workers involved and the number of working days lost.
The data are based on as full coverage as possible given the definitions above, and so are not based on a sample survey. However, errors may arise due to incomplete coverage, in which case the estimated number of stoppages will be affected more than the estimate of the number of working days lost.
Figures for the number of working days lost and the numbers of workers involved are rounded to the nearest 1000 and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.