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Workplace employment by broad industry by Welsh local authorityLast update
31 August 2021Next update
TBCPublishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Annual Population Survey, Office for National StatisticsSource 2
Business Register Employment Survey (BRES), Office for National StatisticsContact email
National StatisticsLowest level of geographical disaggregation
Local authoritiesGeographical coverage
WalesLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceGeneral description
This dataset provides workplace employment estimates, or estimates of total jobs, for Wales and its NUTS2 areas, along with comparable UK data disaggregated by industry section.Data collection and calculation
The Business Register Employment Survey (BRES), which was previously known as the Annual Business Inquiry (ABI), is conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has long provided the means for disaggregation of employee jobs into industry groupings and detailed geographical breakdowns. However, BRES is more suited to cross-sectional analysis than comparisons over time, and covers employee jobs only. This dataset provides estimates of total jobs by industry by also including self-employment. As the levels of self-employment vary significantly by industry, the distribution of total jobs by industry is different to that of employee jobs by industry. Thus, this dataset provides a means for estimating the industrial profile of the whole economy.In deriving estimates of workplace employment by industry for Wales and its NUTS2 areas, this dataset makes use of a number of data sources, predominantly the ONS Annual Population Survey (APS, previously the annual Local Labour Force Survey, LLFS), and also the BRES and the Welsh Agricultural Census.
The sub-Wales breakdowns of the data given in this dataset are at NUTS2 level. NUTS stands for Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics, and is an EU hierarchical geographic breakdown of member states. NUTS1 defines the regions of UK (of which Wales is one), whilst NUTS4 defines local authorities, with NUTS2 and NUTS3 representing successive hierarchical aggregations of local authorities. Within Wales, there are 2 NUTS2 areas, namely ‘West Wales and the Valleys’ and ‘East Wales’, the former being the area of Wales currently eligible for Objective 1 funding from the European Union.
The industry breakdown applied to the data is based on the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC07).
The UK estimates of workplace employment by industry within this dataset have been derived in the same way as the estimates for Wales and its NUTS2 areas purely to provide a consistent comparator. This means that they differ from the estimates of workforce jobs by industry in the UK as published by the ONS, which are derived from a different methodology, based mainly on employer sources.
The UK estimates should not be used for any purpose other than to provide a comparison with the estimates for Wales presented here. The ONS’ estimates of UK workforce jobs can be found in table 5(2) of the latest ONS UK labour market release and should be used in preference to the UK estimates given here unless making comparisons with the estimates for Wales presented here.
Frequency of publication
AnnualData reference periods
2001 to 2019Rounding applied
Figures are rounded to the nearest hundred and so there may be some apparent slight discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.Revisions information
In March 2019, the Annual Population survey data has been revised back to 2012, due to taking on board the latest population estimates.Keywords
JobsStatistical quality
The methodology used to derive workplace employment by industry for Wales and its sub-regions (and also the comparable UK estimates) can be listed as a series of distinct steps, as set out below. Data for the numbers of first and second employee jobs by Welsh local authority of workplace, and for the UK as a whole, are extracted from the annual LLFS/APS datasets for 2001 onwards. These are added together to give total employee jobs by Welsh local authority of workplace and for the UK as a whole. The Wales and UK data for all years reflect the reweighted datasets published by the ONS in May 2013, which better align the data with the latest population estimates. The local authority level data from 2004 onwards are also based on the reweighted APS datasets. The local authority data for 2001 to 2003 are based on the previous un-reweighted LLFS datasets, adjusted to the reweighted totals for Wales as a whole. This is because for various technical reasons the previous weights were better aligned with population estimates at local authority level for these three years. For each area, the employee jobs totals derived above are broken down into industry sections by pro-rating the totals using industry level data for each area from BRES (ABI prior to 2009). [Note that although agriculture data at a Wales level are complete within the BRES dataset, agriculture data at a local authority level are not. Thus figures from the Welsh Agricultural Census for each year have been used to apportion the Wales agriculture data between Welsh local authorities to derive a complete BRES dataset by industry and local authority.] The NUTS2 totals and Wales totals for employee jobs by industry within the data are derived by summing up the estimates for the relevant local authorities. Data for the numbers of first and second self-employed jobs by industry and Welsh local authority of workplace (and for the UK as a whole) are extracted from the annual LLFS/APS datasets for 2001 onwards. These are added together to give total self-employed jobs by industry and Welsh local authority of workplace (and for the UK as a whole). Again the NUTS2 totals and Wales totals for self-employed jobs by industry within the data are derived by summing up the estimates for the relevant local authorities. Finally, the small number of government supported trainee figures are extracted from the annual LLFS/APS datasets for 2001 onwards for each area and apportioned between industries according to the estimates of employee jobs plus self-employment jobs by industry for each area. These estimates of government supported trainees are then added to the figures for employee jobs by industry and self-employment jobs by industry to give workplace employment by industry for each area represented in the data.18
12. In summary, the methodology is based on results from the annual LLFS/APS to provide estimates of all jobs in the economy, broken down by local area in Wales, with mainly BRES data (ABI data prior to 2009) used to break down the employee element of these data by industry. This is consistent with Recommendation 1 in the National Statistics Quality Review of Employment and Jobs Statistics (NSQR Series Report No.44: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/method-quality/quality/quality-reviews/theme/labour-market/nsqr-44/nsqr-series-report-no--44--review-of-employment-and-jobs-statistics-.pdf, published by ONS in January 2006, which sets out the appropriate sources to be used in measuring the structure of different aspects of the UK workforce.