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Value of exports to destinations outside the UK by country of destination and UK country/English region (£m)Last update
14 March 2024Next update
JunePublishing organisation
Welsh GovernmentSource 1
Statistics and Analysis of Trade Unit, HM Revenue and CustomsContact email
National StatisticsLowest level of geographical disaggregation
UK regionsGeographical coverage
UK regionsLanguages covered
English and WelshData licensing
You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licenceGeneral description
This dataset gives detailed aggregates from the Regional Trade in Goods statistics provided to the Welsh Government by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).Data are given for the value of exports in millions of pounds to destinations outside the UK from each UK region by country of destination.
The Welsh Government Trade Analysts are considering stopping updating the following StatsWales Cubes. If this will be an issue, or you would like to give us feedback, please contact Stats.Trade@gov.wales.
Data collection and calculation
In all cases, the figures relate to goods that are exported to destinations outside the UK. This means that exports from Wales to other parts of the UK are not included and there is no element included for components produced in one region when the final product is completed in and then exported from another part of the UK. These figures also do not contain any information on the import or export of services such as banking or tourism.Frequency of publication
QuarterlyData reference periods
1996 to 2023Rounding applied
Figures are rounded to the nearest million pounds and so there may be some apparent discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.Revisions information
Data for previous periods are routinely updated to take account of late submissions to HMRC and on-going validation procedures. Data for the current calendar year may be revised at any time, while data for the previous calendar year may be revised up until the second quarter figures for the current calendar year are published.13/01/22 - HMRC published corrections covering 2015 to 2019 regional trade statistics in January 2022. More information on these corrections can be found on uktradeinfo.com
exports; country of destinationStatistical quality
Data are taken from Customs declarations submitted for trade with countries outside the European Union, and from the Intrastat system for export figures with countries in the EU. Exports are allocated to a region by the postcode associated with a company’s VAT registration. Some adjustments have been necessary for exports to the EU, to ensure that manufacturing that takes place at branch premises is properly allocated to the region where the branch is situated. Exports to countries outside the EU already contain a regional coding.Certain goods, such as North Sea crude oil, ships and aircraft stores, and those not in free circulation, that are shipped to EU countries using traditional Customs declarations, are not allocated to a UK region. Exports falling into these categories are included against the unknown region heading. Thus there are two UK totals, one defined as the sum of the twelve UK regions for comparison with the figures for individual regions and one which also includes the unknown region data giving the total figures for the UK as a whole.
However, certain categories of exports are excluded from this overall UK total which means that it is not possible to fully reconcile these figures with the separate quarterly estimates for UK trade also published by HMRC. These categories relate to overseas companies registered for VAT in the UK, but with no place of business in the UK, exports from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and exports to countries outside the EU where the VAT registration numbers have not been properly declared.
The EU sub-totals in this dataset generally refer to the 24 countries that comprised the European Community (outside of the UK) between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2006. Separate sub-totals for the 14 countries which comprised the European Community (outside of the UK) prior to 1 May 2004 and the 10 countries which joined the European Community on 1 May 2004 are also available within the dataset. Figures are rounded to the nearest million pounds and so there may be some apparent discrepancies between the sum of constituent items and the totals as shown.
From 31 December 2020, the way HMRC collects trade in goods statistics changed, resulting in a break in the time series for published UK to EU trade statistics from January 2021, therefore historic comparisons should be treated with caution.
Because of changes to the way in which the data is collected, some small value trade that was previously allocated to countries and regions may now be reported under the ‘Unallocated-unknown’ category. This has led to a likely reduction in the UK to EU export values, and total export values for Wales (and other regions) from January 2021 onwards.