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Data Provider: Welsh Government Business births, deaths and active enterprises by variable, area and industry (SIC 2007)
Area Code[Filter]
Area 1
[Collapse]IndustryBroad Industry Group based on SIC 2007. [Filter]
Industry 1
[Collapse]Births[Collapse]Deaths[Collapse]Active enterprises
[Expand]Click here to sortUK[Expand]Click here to sortWales[Expand]Click here to sortUK[Expand]Click here to sortWales[Expand]Click here to sortUK[Expand]Click here to sortWales
[Collapse]Total316,02510,520(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon309,290(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon11,3002,870,295102,215
TotalProduction12,055435(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon14,780(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon565163,3556,905
Construction47,1151,705(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon42,555(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,645422,16016,045
Motor Trades7,705290(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon7,205(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon28588,2804,145
Wholesale9,620535(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon11,575(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon310114,5953,730
Retail26,725825(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon28,785(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,025244,5659,345
Transport & storage (inc. postal)21,785825(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon32,505(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,670150,3106,095
Accommodation & food services28,8001,360(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon28,990(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,580202,56010,855
Information & communication22,380475(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon22,255(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon445211,6304,685
Finance & insurance2,47065(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon2,790(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon8038,8851,190
Property12,790325(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon8,670(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon255126,4953,615
Professional; scientific & technical49,2151,335(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon45,035(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,120466,07012,390
Business administration and support services38,2551,235(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon34,440(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon1,260269,6059,415
Education5,030140(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon4,085(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon12048,1051,560
Health12,215360(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon7,880(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon270120,5954,620
Arts; entertainment; recreation and other services19,865610(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon17,740(p) Dros dro yw\'r eitem ddata hon670203,0857,620



Business births, deaths and active enterprises by Broad Industry Group (SIC 2007)

Last update

29 January 2025 29 January 2025

Next update

January 2026

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Business Demography, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset detail business births, deaths and active enterprises by Broad Industry Group (SIC 2007)

Data collection and calculation

ONS use data from the IDBR to produce business demography statistics, using guidelines found in the Eurostat/OECD manual on Business Demography. The starting point for demography is the concept of a population of active businesses in a reference year. These are defined as businesses that had either turnover or employment at any time during the reference period. Births and deaths are then identified by comparing active populations for different years.

A birth is defined as a business that was present in year t, but did not exist in year t-1 or t-2. Births are identified by making a comparison of annual active population files and identifying those present in the latest one, but not the two previous ones.

A death is defined as a business that was on the active file in year t but no longer present on the active file for year t+1 or t+2. To produce more timely statistics, the UK business demography statistics contain a preliminary death indicator, which includes an adjustment for estimated reactivations. Reactivations occur where a business becomes dormant for a period of less than 2 years, then recommences activity in a manner which complies with a definition of continuity. If the definition of continuity is not met (e.g. if a business recommences activity but at a different location and with a different activity), this would be considered a death followed by a birth. Reactivations can also occur due to lags in the administrative data source (VAT/PAYE) so that a business that continues to trade can appear to die. The deaths data exclude losses to the population as a result of mergers, break-ups, split-offs or other re-structuring.

The ONS business demography statistics differ from the former Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) statistics statistics in that they include PAYE-registered units. Therefore, the ONS statistics will additionally include the births and deaths of employing businesses which are not VAT-registered, providing a more comprehensive view of business start-up activity. The ONS data also has a higher number of active businesses than both the former BERR VAT-based series and the expanded UK Business: Activity Size and Location publication. This is because the business demography methodology takes into account businesses that were active at any time during the reference year, whereas the former BERR series calculates stock by adding registrations and subtracting deregistrations from the previous year’s stock; the UK Business: Activity Size and Location publication is based on a snapshot taken from the IDBR at a point in time in March. Additionally, business demography includes a group of non-corporate PAYE businesses, which are excluded from the UK Business: Activity Size and Location due to a small risk of duplication.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2008 to 2023

Rounding applied

Data are rounded to the nearest 5.

Revisions information

The latest two years' estimates on births and deaths are subject to revision, which would normally be made in the following year's publication.


Business Births; Business Deaths; Active Enterprises

Statistical quality

A statistical quality report can be found at the link below:

Totals across tables may differ by minor amounts due to the disclosure control methods used.