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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Active Business Enterprises per 10,000 population by area and year
VariableLevel/Rate [Filtered]
[Collapse]Area 1
[Collapse]Area 2
[Collapse]Area 3
Area 4
Click here to sort2012Click here to sort2013Click here to sort2014Click here to sort2015Click here to sort2016Click here to sort2017Click here to sort2018Click here to sort2019Click here to sort2020Click here to sort2021Click here to sort2022
[Collapse]United Kingdom580598622648668685682692692697.The data item is not applicable
United Kingdom[Collapse]Great Britain583602626653673690687697697701.The data item is not applicable
Great Britain[Collapse]England603623648677700718714725726728.The data item is not applicable
England[Expand]North East381395413428439447447455454476.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]North West513532553575597634631627621628.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Yorkshire and the Humber487501521541561568565574578594.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]East Midlands536553573600610627621635644650.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]West Midlands527540557580606619632639641653.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]East643661681707749765755762756744.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]London7708108609179459759699909901,000.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]South East691707728755767778780796800780.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]South West622634649664687697674683683683.The data item is not applicable
[Collapse]Wales456466481495505518523527527559.The data item is not applicable
Wales[Collapse]West Wales and the Valleys433441454465474484493496498532.The data item is not applicable
West Wales and the ValleysIsle of Anglesey479481494504517515524530530561.The data item is not applicable
Gwynedd586589591596592592581578564622.The data item is not applicable
Conwy560571589592599616610620639672.The data item is not applicable
Denbighshire551567581599604608591646639662.The data item is not applicable
Ceredigion597597609624627641636648640668.The data item is not applicable
Pembrokeshire608615618625633639684690710748.The data item is not applicable
Carmarthenshire513519527540548554549555570603.The data item is not applicable
Swansea406413427437436445472486495523.The data item is not applicable
Neath Port Talbot335339348358363359356366371392.The data item is not applicable
Bridgend403409432445450457449457462504.The data item is not applicable
Rhondda Cynon Taf336349368386421459448445422477.The data item is not applicable
Merthyr Tydfil307329344354376392385388386402.The data item is not applicable
Caerphilly327338353365375379459407410435.The data item is not applicable
Blaenau Gwent271283294300305305297314322358.The data item is not applicable
Torfaen354359376391400401404415410431.The data item is not applicable
[Collapse]East Wales493507525545554575573578574602.The data item is not applicable
East WalesFlintshire486506520539555564576596606629.The data item is not applicable
Wrexham440442456470487499490500497502.The data item is not applicable
Powys735737743754757760753760754765.The data item is not applicable
Vale of Glamorgan487513534554565565553562558614.The data item is not applicable
Cardiff432451478499503508505506512567.The data item is not applicable
Monmouthshire660677697724734746743750739777.The data item is not applicable
Newport404411426447466581589588545518.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]North WalesThis is the North Wales economic region. Please see summary information for further details.514524536548558565562578579607.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Mid WalesThis is an approximation to the Mid Wales economic region. Please see summary information for further details.682683692705708716710719712730.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]South West WalesThis is the South West Wales economic region. Please see summary information for further details.454460469479483488503513525555.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]South East WalesThis is the South East Wales economic region. Please see summary information for further details.400414434452465486491489482519.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Mid and South West WalesThis is the Mid and South West Wales economic region. Please see summary information for further details.506511520530533538549558566594.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Scotland456468484497501505505511505505.The data item is not applicable
[Expand]Northern Ireland481478472477482503509522528545.The data item is not applicable



Business births, deaths and active enterprises

Last update

31 January 2024 31 January 2024

Next update

March 2024

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Business Demography, Office for National Statistics

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage

UK regions

Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see

General description

This dataset details business births, deaths and active enterprises by area.

Data collection and calculation

Births, deaths and active enterprises per 10,000 of the population are calculated using ONS' population estimates, which are currently available up to 2021. This table will be updated with rates (Births, deaths and active enterprises per 10,000 of the population) for 2022 once the latest population estimates are available.

ONS use data from the IDBR to produce business demography statistics, using guidelines found in the Eurostat/OECD manual on Business Demography. The starting point for demography is the concept of a population of active businesses in a reference year. These are defined as businesses that had either turnover or employment at any time during the reference period. Births and deaths are then identified by comparing active populations for different years.

A birth is defined as a business that was present in year t, but did not exist in year t-1 or t-2. Births are identified by making a comparison of annual active population files and identifying those present in the latest one, but not the two previous ones.

A death is defined as a business that was on the active file in year t but no longer present on the active file for year t+1 or t+2. To produce more timely statistics, the UK business demography statistics contain a preliminary death indicator, which includes an adjustment for estimated reactivations. Reactivations occur where a business becomes dormant for a period of less than 2 years, then recommences activity in a manner which complies with a definition of continuity. If the definition of continuity is not met (e.g. if a business recommences activity but at a different location and with a different activity), this would be considered a death followed by a birth. Reactivations can also occur due to lags in the administrative data source (VAT/PAYE) so that a business that continues to trade can appear to die. The deaths data exclude losses to the population as a result of mergers, break-ups, split-offs or other re-structuring.
The ONS business demography statistics differ from the former Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) statistics statistics in that they include PAYE-registered units. Therefore, the ONS statistics will additionally include the births and deaths of employing businesses which are not VAT-registered, providing a more comprehensive view of business start-up activity. The ONS data also has a higher number of active businesses than both the former BERR VAT-based series and the expanded UK Business: Activity Size and Location publication. This is because the business demography methodology takes into account businesses that were active at any time during the reference year, whereas the former BERR series calculates stock by adding registrations and substracting deregistrations from the previous year’s stock; the UK Business: Activity Size and Location publication is based on a snapshot taken from the IDBR at a point in time in March. Additionally, business demography includes a group of non-corporate PAYE businesses, which are excluded from the UK Business: Activity Size and Location due to a small risk of duplication.

The economic regions, as set out in Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan, are made up of the following local authorities:
Mid and South West Wales: Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea, Neath Port Talbot, Powys and Ceredigion.
South East Wales: Bridgend, The Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen, Monmouthshire and Newport.
North Wales: Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham.

The region of Mid & South West Wales was formerly split into the following two economic regions:
Mid Wales: Powys and Ceredigion.
South West Wales: Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot.
Within this previous split of the Welsh economic regions, part of Gwynedd local authority (the former district of Meirionydd) lay in the Mid Wales economic region, although this is not represented in the data.

Please note, levels for Welsh economic regions and NUTS3 areas and all rates (including per 10,000 population figures) have been calculated using the rounded figures, published by the Office for National Statistics.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

2002 to 2022

Rounding applied

Data are rounded to nearest 5.

Revisions information

The latest two years' estimates on births and deaths are subject to revision, which would normally be made in the following year's publication.



Statistical quality

See Weblinks

Totals across tables may differ by minor amounts due to the disclosure control methods used.

