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Data Provider: Welsh Government Accredited Official Statistics Average Farm Cost Headings by Farm Size

Average Farm Cost Headings by Farm Size

Year1 April to 31 March[Filtered]
[Collapse]Farm SizeFarm size: based on the total output on a farm.[Filter]
Farm Size 1
[Collapse]Cost HeadingFarm business costs[Filter]
[Collapse]Cost Heading 1
[Collapse]Cost Heading 2
[Collapse]Cost Heading 3
Cost Heading 4
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortVery SmallClick here to sortSmallClick here to sortMediumClick here to sortLargeClick here to sortVery Large
[Collapse]Farm business costsCosts are divided into variable costs and fixed costs.74,300118,000191,400363,100944,600184,600
Farm business costsCosts are divided into variable costs and fixed costs.[Collapse]Agricultural costs68,600111,600179,900352,100935,400177,100
Agricultural costs[Collapse]Variable costs30,70055,20093,100203,800575,60096,700
Variable costs[Collapse]Crop costs9,90011,60022,50045,10071,60019,100
Crop costsSeeds1,3001,2002,6005,6006,8002,200
Crop protection9009002,7007,6006,0002,000
Other crop costs2,9001,1002,5003,3007,5002,800
[Collapse]Livestock costs16,00036,90059,600130,400440,00065,600
Livestock costsPurchased feed & fodder9,10020,80032,90087,200321,70042,900
Home grown feed & fodder.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable.The data item is not applicable
Veterinary fees & medicines2,5005,2006,9008,60023,6005,800
Other livestock costsBedding materials, breeding costs, miscellaneous dairy expenses, disinfectants, marketing and storage costs of animal products, Milk Development Council levy and other livestock costs not separately identified.4,3009,60015,10028,20082,90014,400
[Expand]Contract costsWork by agricultural contractors, costs of materials employed, hiring machines to be used by the farm’s own labour. Contract labour is only included here if associated with the hiring of a machine, otherwise it is under (casual) labour.3,8005,0008,30018,90052,9009,300
[Expand]Casual labourThis comprises wages and employer’s insurance contributions, payments in kind, and salaried management.6001,7002,8008,80011,2002,500
[Collapse]Fixed costs37,90056,40086,800148,200359,80080,500
Fixed costs[Expand]Regular labourDefined as a fixed cost.1,4008003,7008,20052,3005,700
[Collapse]Machinery costs18,90027,40040,10062,300110,80033,800
Machinery costsMachinery fuels (includes oils)4,1006,5009,80015,70030,2008,200
Machinary repair4,3006,0009,50016,70027,8008,000
Machinery depreciationDepreciation provisions are shown on a current cost basis. The rates of depreciation used (on a diminishing balance basis for machinery) are intended to reflect the degree of deterioration of the assets.10,50014,80020,80029,90052,80017,500
[Collapse]General farming costs10,40015,30024,90042,400107,60023,000
General farming costsBank charges & professional fees1,8002,2003,1006,8007,8002,800
Water, electricity & other general costs6,5009,20014,20024,30054,60013,000
Share of net interest payments2,1004,0007,60011,30045,2007,100
[Collapse]Land and property costs4,1006,60011,90023,20047,80010,300
Land and property costsRent paid5,3009,30016,10033,30081,80015,300
Maintenance, repairs and insurance100200300400600200
Depreciation of buildings & worksThis is calculated on a current cost basis (generally on a straight line basis over 10 years) with an adjustment to allow for the effect of capital grants.1,1002,5004,0009,70033,4004,700
[Expand]Miscellaneous fixed costsIncludes for work done on other farms.1,9003,5002,0002,1007,4002,700
[Expand]Costs of basic / single farm payment2,9004,2005,6003,7004,5003,800
[Expand]Costs of agri-environment payments6008001,500300200800
[Expand]Costs of diversification2,2001,5004,4007,0004,5002,900


General description

Farm Cost Headings by Farm Size, 2016-17 to 2023-24.

Average figures per farm have been rounded to the nearest £100, therefore rounded figures may not add up exactly to totals.

Definitions for each cost type can be found in the associated statistical release and accompanying tables.

Data collection and calculation

Farm Business Survey, Welsh Government. Statistical results from the Farm Business Survey (FBS) in Wales are produced and published annually by Aberystwyth University.

Farms are randomly selected from the June Census returns to provide a representative sample of 600 Welsh farms covering the main farm types. Letters are sent to potential participants and if the farmer agrees, a convenient visiting date is arranged by phone. During this recruiting visit the farm area, farming system, opening stock numbers and bank details, as well as other relevant information is obtained.

Frequency of publication


Data reference periods

Financial Years 2016-17 to 2023-24.

Rounding applied

Average figures per farm have been rounded to the nearest £100, therefore rounded figures may not add up exactly to totals.


Farm Cost Headings by Farm Size, 2016-17 to 2023-24

Last update

16 January 2025. 16 January 2025.

Next update

January 2026.

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

Farm Business Survey, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation


Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see