Total Total
None 1 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 999 1000 to 1999 At least 2000
Farms10,812 6,879 1,728 1,958 1,846 1,327 24,550
Responses2,298 1,767 445 505 470 278 5,763
Size - Turnover (€000s) 852,675 153,411 87,540 142,970 206,330 301,096 1,744,022
Size - Profit (€000s) 394,053 74,950 42,590 68,289 99,830 151,873 831,585
Size - FTE Labour 10,030 3,308 2,083 3,908 6,224 10,342 35,895
All Land (ha) 438,674 202,689 126,302 230,670 323,197 365,201 1,686,733
All Land (ha) New Grass 55,818 14,164 9,285 16,135 26,107 32,214 153,723
Permanent Grass 286,630 151,793 90,808 157,884 199,934 196,538 1,083,587
Rough Grazing 16,705 13,805 13,416 36,993 68,334 99,425 248,678
Woods and Others 30,172 14,912 8,080 13,485 18,180 24,069 108,899
All Crops 49,349 8,015 4,712 6,173 10,641 12,956 91,846
All Crops Cereals 26,630 4,265 2,745 3,309 5,901 6,706 49,556
Stockfeed 12,718 2,707 1,045 2,255 3,566 4,777 27,066
Other Crops 10,002 1,044 923 609 1,174 1,473 15,224
All Cattle 598,487 124,478 64,881 95,033 117,202 137,318 1,137,399
All Cattle Dairy Cows 188,711 27,375 8,754 10,061 8,515 7,760 251,176
Beef Cows 49,227 16,156 11,785 20,757 30,577 39,326 167,828
Other Cattle 360,549 80,947 44,342 64,215 78,110 90,232 718,395
Total Sheep . 474,578 624,389 1,423,362 2,625,652 4,889,493 10,037,474
Total Pigs 16,773 3,069 560 1,598 2,071 432 24,503
Total Poultry 6,859,819 76,344 105,714 62,035 193,606 444,437 7,741,955