Total Total
none Under 1 1 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 At least 8
Farms21,742 1,798 239 209 182 380 24,550
Responses5,039 481 56 39 55 93 5,763
Size - Turnover (€000s) 1,463,851 43,742 21,101 24,542 36,153 154,634 1,744,022
Size - Profit (€000s) 681,404 23,369 10,620 13,966 20,578 81,647 831,585
Size - FTE Labour 31,451 1,085 437 468 621 1,834 35,895
All Land (ha) 1,483,513 57,559 24,651 21,700 23,197 76,114 1,686,733
All Land (ha) New Grass 133,509 4,593 1,833 1,775 3,692 8,322 153,723
Permanent Grass 994,000 35,096 10,161 10,728 11,344 22,258 1,083,587
Rough Grazing 223,956 8,079 8,381 3,837 1,252 3,172 248,678
Woods and Others 88,961 7,395 2,445 2,145 1,757 6,197 108,899
All Crops 43,087 2,396 1,831 3,214 5,153 36,165 91,846
All Crops Cereals 23,109 1,173 989 2,028 2,771 19,487 49,556
Stockfeed 19,979 812 509 596 1,367 3,804 27,066
Other Crops 0 412 333 591 1,015 12,874 15,224
All Cattle 1,009,411 24,002 12,694 15,812 24,057 51,423 1,137,399
All Cattle Dairy Cows 222,711 3,716 1,800 3,447 6,653 12,849 251,176
Beef Cows 151,764 4,534 2,245 2,388 2,149 4,748 167,828
Other Cattle 634,936 15,752 8,649 9,977 15,255 33,826 718,395
Total Sheep 9,219,179 249,884 125,096 102,454 119,794 221,067 10,037,474
Total Pigs 18,954 1,115 801 66 140 3,427 24,503
Total Poultry 7,209,741 163,248 182,689 41,212 1,050 144,015 7,741,955