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Data Provider: Welsh Government National Statistics Chicken on a Farm
[Collapse]Number on a Farm[Filter]
Number on a Farm 1
[Collapse]Estimates 1
Estimates 2
[Collapse]TotalClick here to sortTotal
Click here to sortnoneClick here to sort1 to 99Click here to sort100 to 999Click here to sort1000 to 9999Click here to sort10000 to 99999Click here to sortat least 100000
[Expand]Size - Turnover (€000s)Standard Output (SO) - a proxy measure to reflect turnover1,371,582172,9325,4837,548102,91983,5581,744,022
[Expand]Size - Profit (€000s)Standard Gross Margins (SGM) - a proxy measure to reflect profit707,45086,1132,6762,86120,56311,922831,585
[Expand]Size - FTE LabourStandard Labour Requirement (SLR) - a proxy measure to reflect labour30,3924,6761137447316835,895
[Collapse]All Land (ha)All land on the farm1,436,032236,6235,7011,9475,9205101,686,733
All Land (ha)All land on the farm[Expand]New GrassGrassland which has been sown within the last 5 years134,12918,40642717053556153,723
[Expand]Permanent GrassLand covered by grass and which has been so for at least the last 5 years. The distinction between permanent grass and rough grazing is determined by the farmer.914,805158,1444,1401,4004,7713271,083,587
[Expand]Rough GrazingGrazing land of a lower quality upon which one farm has the sole rights to graze their animals. (ie excluding grazing on Common Land). The distinction between permanent grass and rough grazing is determined by the farmer.214,40833,8043456557.The data item is not applicable248,678
[Expand]Woods and OthersFarm woodland plus all other land not included elsewhere (mainly non-agricultural land)89,47218,48051112621596108,899
[Collapse]All CropsSum of cereals, stockfeed and other crops83,2187,7902781863423291,846
All CropsSum of cereals, stockfeed and other cropsCerealsAll cereals harvested for food production. (Mainly wheat and barley in Wales)45,3193,879112641651649,556
StockfeedAll arable crops that are used to produce feed for grazing animals. (Note this does not include grass grown for the same purpose)24,5342,3457223801327,066
Other CropsAll arable crops other than cereals and stockfeed. (In Wales the main crops are potatoes and oilseed rape)13,3651,5669410097315,224
[Collapse]All CattleAll cattle and calves on the farm1,004,984115,8442,9212,3278,8812,4421,137,399
All CattleAll cattle and calves on the farm[Expand]Dairy CowsFemales aged 2+ years that have calved and used for dairy production229,29619,2694503011,199661251,176
[Expand]Beef CowsFemales aged 2+ years that have calved and used for producing beef sucklers142,01822,4536294482,099181167,828
[Expand]Other CattleAll other cattle (uncalved females, males and cattle under 2 years old)633,67074,1221,8421,5785,5831,600718,395
[Expand]Total SheepBreeding ewes, rams, lambs under 1 year and other sheep. Most of the animals (95 per cent) are breeding ewes and lambs (roughly in a 50/50 split)8,655,8631,270,44530,85515,47060,7174,12410,037,474
[Expand]Total PigsPigs used for breeding purposes plus those raised for producing meat (approximately 15 per cent used for breeding)17,2496,998211378.The data item is not applicable24,503
[Expand]Total PoultryMost of these (usually around 90 per cent) are chickens used for meat or egg production. Most of the remainder are turkeys, the rest being ducks, geese and other fowl.089,80127,153199,3193,248,2884,177,3947,741,955


General description

The survey estimates are based on the responses that we receive, which are then used to represent all farms. For further information, please refer to the methodology from the statistical release in the weblink

Data reference periods

2007 - 2017


Chicken on a Farm

Last update

March 2019 March 2019

Next update

September 2019

Publishing organisation

Welsh Government

Source 1

June Census of Agriculture and Horticulture, Welsh Government

Contact email


National Statistics

Lowest level of geographical disaggregation

Local authorities

Geographical coverage


Languages covered

English and Welsh

Data licensing

You may use and re-use this data free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License - see


agriculture; farming; chicken; livestock

Statistical quality

Please find this information in the related statistical release, as per the given weblink.

