Total Total
none 1 to 99 100 to 999 1000 to 9999 10000 to 99999 at least 100000
Farms18,406 5,827 132 44 119 22 24,550
Responses4,133 1,483 21 29 85 12 5,763
Size - Turnover (€000s) 1,371,582 172,932 5,483 7,548 102,919 83,558 1,744,022
Size - Profit (€000s) 707,450 86,113 2,676 2,861 20,563 11,922 831,585
Size - FTE Labour 30,392 4,676 113 74 473 168 35,895
All Land (ha) 1,436,032 236,623 5,701 1,947 5,920 510 1,686,733
All Land (ha) New Grass 134,129 18,406 427 170 535 56 153,723
Permanent Grass 914,805 158,144 4,140 1,400 4,771 327 1,083,587
Rough Grazing 214,408 33,804 345 65 57 . 248,678
Woods and Others 89,472 18,480 511 126 215 96 108,899
All Crops 83,218 7,790 278 186 342 32 91,846
All Crops Cereals 45,319 3,879 112 64 165 16 49,556
Stockfeed 24,534 2,345 72 23 80 13 27,066
Other Crops 13,365 1,566 94 100 97 3 15,224
All Cattle 1,004,984 115,844 2,921 2,327 8,881 2,442 1,137,399
All Cattle Dairy Cows 229,296 19,269 450 301 1,199 661 251,176
Beef Cows 142,018 22,453 629 448 2,099 181 167,828
Other Cattle 633,670 74,122 1,842 1,578 5,583 1,600 718,395
Total Sheep 8,655,863 1,270,445 30,855 15,470 60,717 4,124 10,037,474
Total Pigs 17,249 6,998 211 37 8 . 24,503
Total Poultry 0 89,801 27,153 199,319 3,248,288 4,177,394 7,741,955