Total Total
Under 8 8 to 16 16 to 32 32 to 64 At least 64
Farms13,300 2,598 2,837 2,519 3,296 24,550
Responses2,612 578 704 634 1,235 5,763
Size - Turnover (€000s) 80,042 68,889 141,001 229,836 1,224,254 1,744,022
Size - Profit (€000s) 28,860 29,933 65,329 113,902 593,561 831,585
Size - FTE Labour 3,263 2,236 4,179 6,790 19,427 35,895
All Land (ha) 238,273 145,954 257,954 371,748 672,805 1,686,733
All Land (ha) New Grass 12,428 8,018 16,659 28,828 87,790 153,723
Permanent Grass 180,594 108,584 181,471 232,617 380,321 1,083,587
Rough Grazing 20,181 15,673 36,811 73,859 102,153 248,678
Woods and Others 22,497 10,727 16,672 23,528 35,475 108,899
All Crops 2,573 2,951 6,340 12,916 67,066 91,846
All Crops Cereals 586 1,317 3,242 7,112 37,299 49,556
Stockfeed 1,190 1,139 2,211 4,280 18,247 27,066
Other Crops 798 495 886 1,524 11,521 15,224
All Cattle 29,829 49,877 115,021 186,426 756,246 1,137,399
All Cattle Dairy Cows 412 429 1,380 4,465 244,490 251,176
Beef Cows 5,491 11,754 28,573 50,276 71,734 167,828
Other Cattle 23,926 37,694 85,068 131,685 440,022 718,395
Total Sheep 455,956 618,196 1,455,389 2,582,047 4,925,886 10,037,474
Total Pigs 5,116 1,655 4,181 3,328 10,223 24,503
Total Poultry 81,109 22,073 77,695 149,454 7,411,624 7,741,955