Total Total
Under 25 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 199 At least 200
Farms12,313 3,025 3,803 3,370 2,039 24,550
Responses2,604 624 919 957 659 5,763
Size - Turnover (€000s) 330,095 109,637 246,179 501,260 556,852 1,744,022
Size - Profit (€000s) 119,726 54,254 122,872 250,830 283,904 831,585
Size - FTE Labour 5,536 2,962 5,762 10,137 11,499 35,895
All Land (ha) 87,715 110,682 275,044 472,355 740,937 1,686,733
All Land (ha) New Grass 3,228 6,470 20,670 48,785 74,569 153,723
Permanent Grass 69,414 84,451 204,787 330,354 394,581 1,083,587
Rough Grazing 5,346 6,255 15,971 37,832 183,274 248,678
Woods and Others 7,178 9,110 21,926 29,703 40,982 108,899
All Crops 2,549 4,397 11,690 25,681 47,530 91,846
All Crops Cereals 819 1,927 6,612 14,141 26,056 49,556
Stockfeed 705 1,372 3,495 7,615 13,879 27,066
Other Crops 1,025 1,098 1,582 3,925 7,595 15,224
All Cattle 143,907 75,593 191,628 351,341 374,930 1,137,399
All Cattle Dairy Cows 21,852 10,268 34,222 86,108 98,726 251,176
Beef Cows 25,288 14,526 32,406 46,552 49,056 167,828
Other Cattle 96,767 50,799 125,000 218,681 227,148 718,395
Total Sheep 1,039,226 851,151 1,702,747 2,985,638 3,458,712 10,037,474
Total Pigs 15,480 2,249 2,265 2,238 2,271 24,503
Total Poultry 6,495,076 142,135 350,379 354,868 399,497 7,741,955